Writing Plans

Difficulty: Intermediate

Time: Approximately 10 minutes

In this exercise you will discover Bolt Plans and how to run them with Bolt.


Complete the following before you start this lesson:

  1. Installing Bolt
  2. Setting up test nodes
  3. Running Commands

About Plans

Use plans when you want to run several commands together across multiple nodes. For instance to remove a node from a load balancer before you deploy the new version of the application, or to clear a cache after you re-index a search engine.

You can link a set of commands, scripts, and tasks together, and add parameters to them so they are easy to reuse. While you write plans in the Puppet language, you don’t need to install Puppet to use them.

Write a plan using run_command

Create a simple plan that runs a command on a list of nodes.

Save the following as modules/exercise7/plans/command.pp:

plan exercise7::command (TargetSpec $nodes) {
  run_command("uptime", $nodes)

Run the plan:

bolt plan run exercise7::command nodes=node1 --modulepath ./modules

The result:

Starting: command 'uptime' on node1
Finished: command 'uptime' with 0 failures in 0.45 sec
Plan completed successfully with no result


Write a plan using run_task

Create a task and then create a plan that uses the task.

Save the following task as modules/exercise7/tasks/write.sh. The task accepts a filename and some content and saves a file to /tmp.


if [ -z "$PT_message" ]; then
  echo "Need to pass a message"
  exit 1

if [ -z "$PT_filename" ]; then
  echo "Need to pass a filename"
  exit 1

echo $PT_message > "/tmp/${PT_filename}"

Run the task directly with the following command:

bolt task run exercise7::write filename=hello message=world --nodes=node1 --modulepath ./modules --debug

Note: In this case the task doesn’t output anything to stdout. It can be useful to trace the running of the task, and for that the --debug flag is useful. Here is the output when run with debug:

Did not find config for node1 in inventory
Started with 100 max thread(s)
ModuleLoader: module 'boltlib' has unknown dependencies - it will have all other modules visible
Did not find config for node1 in inventory
Starting: task exercise7::write on node1
Authentication method 'gssapi-with-mic' is not available
Running task exercise7::write with '{"filename"=>"hello", "message"=>"world"}' via  on ["node1"]
Started on node1...
Running task run 'Task({'name' => 'exercise7::write', 'implementations' => [{'name' => 'write.sh', 'path' => '/Users/username/puppetlabs/tasks-hands-on-lab/07-writing-plans/modules/exercise7/tasks/write.sh', 'requirements' => []}], 'input_method' => undef})' on node1
Opened session
Executing: mktemp -d
stdout: /tmp/tmp.mJo9THENdL

Command returned successfully
Executing: chmod u\+x /tmp/tmp.mJo9THENdL/write.sh
Command returned successfully
Executing: PT_filename=hello PT_message=world /tmp/tmp.mJo9THENdL/write.sh
Command returned successfully
Executing: rm -rf /tmp/tmp.mJo9THENdL
Command returned successfully
Closed session
Finished on node1:

Finished: task exercise7::write with 0 failures in 0.89 sec
Successful on 1 node: node1
Ran on 1 node in 0.97 seconds

Write a plan that uses the task you created. Save the following as modules/exercise7/plans/writeread.pp:

plan exercise7::writeread (
  TargetSpec $nodes,
  String     $filename,
  String     $message = 'Hello',
) {
    filename => $filename,
    message  => $message,
  run_command("cat /tmp/${filename}", $nodes)


Run the plan using the following command:

bolt plan run exercise7::writeread filename=hello message=world nodes=node1 --modulepath ./modules

The result:

Starting: task exercise7::write on node1
Finished: task exercise7::write with 0 failures in 0.88 sec
Starting: command 'cat /tmp/hello' on node1
Finished: command 'cat /tmp/hello' with 0 failures in 0.41 sec
Plan completed successfully with no result


Next steps

Now that you know how to create and run basic plans with Bolt you can move on to:

Writing advanced Tasks